The next ITER Business Forum will take place in Marseille, France, from 23 to 25 April 2025.

ITER is moving forward!

Join the next International ITER Business Forum in Marseille from 23 to 25 April 2025!

The character of the city, its identity and its location at the heart of the Calanques are what make Marseille a unique and pleasant city to visit. Marseille is considered one of the 50 greatest places in the world (Times Magazine).

ITER ("the way" in Latin) is one of the most ambitious energy projects globally. In southern France, 35 nations are collaborating to build the world's largest tokamak, a magnetic fusion machine. Agence ITER France (AIF) tasked with fostering and is maintaining links between industrial companies and ITER.

Become part of the worldwide industrial fusion network!

The international ITER Business forum provides a wide range of opportunities for industrial activities, employment and technological innovation, with key members including ITER Organization, the ITER Domestic Agencies in China, Europe, India, Japan, Korea, Russian, the US and their respective suppliers.



The ITER machine will weigh 23,000 tonnes.



More than 15,000 people from 5,000 companies are involved in the many activities that are needed to build the ITER facility.



In the ITER tokamak, temperatures will reach 150 million degrees Celsius in the ITER tokamak, equivalent to ten times the temperature at the sun's core.



The ITER project is a remarkable feat of international R&D cooperation.



ITER is a remarkable cooperationcultural hub where different nationalities can learn about each other.



Worth of contracts awarded since 2007 thanks to the ITER project

Are you in?

Do not miss the IBF/25 from 23 to 25 April 2025 in Marseille.

The IBF/25 will give attendees the unique opportunity to:

  • Learn about the ITER project status and future calls for tender

  • Set scientific priorities for the fusion community

  • Meet international, European and regional companies

  • Discover fusion supply chain innovators

  • Be inspired by experiences from abroad to cement new partnerships

  • Meet, discuss and initiate new cooperations agreements

  • Contribute to high-tech challenges and innovations.
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A broad spectrum of business opportunities.

By attending the IBF 2025, you can:

  • Learn about the ITER status project, call for tenders and business opportunities
  • Set scientific priorities for fusion
  • Support and create industrial partnerships all over the world
  • Foster collaborations between industries and fusion laboratories.
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The IBF/25 includes:

  • A 1000-seat plenary session will focus on the new baseline, which brings new challenges
  • BtoB meetings scheduled by participants
  • ITER worksite visit
  • An industrial exhibition for fusion laboratories, industries and suppliers
  • A welcome reception
  • A congress dinner
  • Site events.
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IBF key figures

Experience a new IBF during 3 days that combine information about the ITER procurement and networking opportunities :

  • 90 stands at the exhibition
  • 100 guest speakers from thirty different countries covering a wide range of fusion disciplines
  • + 1 000 BtoB meetings
  • The greatest BtoB experience to skyrocket your business
  • 17 thematic sessions
    These sessions will help to formulate plans for how ITER will engage with the industry and private-sector fusion companies in the future
  • 800 participants at the Congress dinner.

Why come to the IBF/25?

The IBF is an opportunity for industry players to put their heads together to find ways to meet ITER’s contractual needs and prepare the future.

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The meetings held at the IBF often pave the way for sustainable partnerships.

  • Presentations from experts drive force at the IBF

    The IBF programme both fosters and drives exchanges, whether this be through the plenary conference, workshops, business-to-business meetings or the industrial exhibition; SMEs and large industrial groups appreciate the visibility and fruitful encounters made possible by the IBF.
  • The IBF opens up new horizons

    The IBF attracts strategic partnerships in the fusion community around the world. It is a unique opportunity to engage with companies to share their experience of the ITER project, which may prove relevant to other fusion projects under development in the world. ITER representatives and experts will explain the fusion innovations to date, the lessons learned and the challenges ahead.
  • The IBF offers a window to the world

    The IBF is an exceptional address book that has helped companies to expand their professional network. It is a place where you can present your skills and production capacities that may be needed by ITER partners to design new equipment.